Is Creative Copywriting A Real Job?

The Creative and Freelance world can be really intimidating. I've been freelancing off-and-on for almost 10 years (!?!?) while working in and around publishing. I've always felt like I'm on the outside looking in, trying to decode the industry.

Maybe I'll never actually do that, but I've come a long way and decided to start a series of posts to demystify the realm, if only for myself. There are so many words that are used interchangeably these days like editor, copyeditor, copy writer, freelance writer, etc., and it can be hard to know where you "fit."

Or, how to get started in what feels like an ever-expanding yet over-saturated market.

Feel encouraged yet? Don't stress! All this is to say, you're not alone, I get it, and we'll work through it together.

There is power in sharing knowledge and resources. I firmly believe there is space for every writer or editor.

So let's dive into exploring: What is creative copywriting? Because, as a writer/editor/writing coach who is working on her business and her novel...I am a creative writer (heck, I have a masters degree in creative writing!), I also write a lot of copy for my business, so the does that mean I am a creative copywriter??

Not exactly, no...but not completely no, either. Helpful.

Is Creative Copywriting a Real Job?

What is Creative Copywriting?

Creative copywriting is a type of writing that focuses on creating persuasive, engaging content (also known as "copy") to promote products, services or campaigns. This type of writing requires the writer to think creatively in order to capture the attention of their target audience.

Creative copywriters use a combination of storytelling, brand messaging, research and problem-solving skills to create compelling copy that captivates readers while driving action for a successful campaign.

Who uses creative copywriting?

Creative copywriting is used by a wide range of companies and organizations, including advertising agencies, marketing firms and corporate communications teams. Creative copywriters are also hired by smaller businesses such as start-ups, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs who need help creating content for their online presence.

Why does creative copywriting help?

The aforementioned research, messaging, and storytelling that creative copywriters do for their clients means that search engines and potential customers alike are able to easily find the blog post, print ad, etc., AND connect to the material.

What types of jobs can creative copywriters do?

Creative copywriters can specialize in a variety of roles, including writing for websites and blogs, creating content for social media campaigns, producing video scripts and more. In addition to writing content, creative copywriters may also be responsible for researching topics, testing ideas through focus groups or surveys and analyzing data to identify trends and develop strategies.

They may be part of a larger content marketing team and create assets like a creative brief that can be shared with graphic designers or write compelling product descriptions and creative headlines for the key landing page of a business.

Types of creative copy and their formats:

There are many types of creative copywriting, each with different formats. These include product or service descriptions, case studies, ad copy, sales pages, promotional materials, social media posts, blog posts, press releases, emails and newsletters.

Creative copywriters must also be familiar with the various channels used for content distribution. This includes social media marketing, website optimization and search engine optimization techniques.

How can someone get started in creative copywriting?

For anyone interested in getting started in the world of creative copywriting, the first step is to learn the fundamentals. This includes studying the basics of writing such as grammar, structure, storytelling and persuasive writing techniques.

It's also important to learn about audience research, branding and messaging. Once you have the fundamentals down, it's a good idea to practice writing in different styles and doing research on successful campaigns to get an understanding of what works and why.

To increase your chances of success, networking and forming relationships with other professionals in the industry is also important. Finally, building a portfolio of your work is essential to showcase your talent and attract potential clients.

With the right knowledge, dedication and hard work, anyone can become a successful creative copywriter.

What goes into a creative copywriting portfolio?

When creating a creative copywriting portfolio, it's important to include examples of your best work. This should include pieces you have written for clients in the past as well as any writing samples that demonstrate your style and creativity.

It's also a good idea to include a section showcasing any awards or recognition you have received for your work and links to. If you're new to creative copywriting or don't have as robust of a portfolio as you'd like, the best way to round out your writing samples is to create them. Sounds simple, I know.

You don't have to have worked with a large amount of businesses or clients to create a portfolio. The key word here is sample: people are looking for samples and examples of your work.

So, if you are just getting started or haven't landed your perfect client yet, write copy for a made-up business that highlights your years of experience and skill. Potential clients want to see that you're a good writer and a good creative copywriter before they spend their budget to hire you.

Anything that can be used as marketing materials, or maybe SEO copywriting you've done for your own website can be used as samples for your portfolio.

Examples of creative copywriting are also helpful to include in a portfolio, such as website homepages, product pages, blog posts and social media campaigns.

Additionally, it's important to provide a description of each piece that explains what you did, how it was successful and the results it achieved. This will help potential clients to understand your creative process and why they should hire you for their next project.

What makes good creative copywriting?

Good copywriting is marked by a combination of strong storytelling, persuasive writing techniques and strategic messaging. It should be engaging yet concise, drawing readers in with compelling headlines and captivating content that drives action.

A good copywriter will also be able to draw on their research skills to understand the target audience and develop effective campaigns. So much thought goes into marketing copy, especially in the age of digital marketing.

Great copywriting takes into account trends and future forecasting, industry best practices, along with client needs and their audience, and presents the relevant information in an interesting way regardless of the format.

How to get started as a freelance copywriter?

If you’re looking to get started as a freelance copywriter, the first step is to build an impressive portfolio that showcases your writing style and talent. If you're feeling like you need a little polishing, practice your writing and maybe take an online course or two designed for to help you hone those skills.

It’s also important to create an online presence on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram where potential clients can find you easily. Additionally, forming relationships with other professionals in the industry is an effective way to network and find potential clients.

As you build your portfolio and relationships, it’s important to continually hone your writing skills by taking courses, reading articles and staying up-to-date on industry trends. With a great portfolio, the right connections and strong writing skills, anyone can become a successful freelance copywriter and make pretty good money doing it. It will take time and patience, but creative copywriting is an important skill.

If there are any marketing managers or creative copy writers out there: how'd I do? Anything you'd like to add to this post to help the newer creative content writers and creative copy writers out?

Marina Crouse

Marina is a writer, reader, and a lover of travel.


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