23 Holiday Creative Writing Prompts to Try This Winter 2022

The holiday season is upon us, which means it is a sometimes chaotic, busy, and sugar-filled time that can be a little stressful.

My idea of a fun holiday is a lot of food and a lot of reading...luckily my family is introverted and we like to do quiet things together.

I'm writing this as the Thanksgiving parade is on in the background...which means it's just the right time to think about the next few holidays ahead.

From Christmas, to Hanukkah, to New Year's Eve, to Valentine’s day...not to mention the variety of holidays that are "national days" like National Cake Day (November 26) or National Spaghetti Day (January 4).

No matter what you celebrate, this is a time of year filled with emotion–sometimes good and sometimes sad. I find a great way to escape for a bit and center myself is through writing.

That's why I am sharing some holiday-themed creative writing prompts for you to start a short story, avoid a family member for 15 minutes, or just express yourself in a fun way.

Or, think of these creative prompts as a starting point if you're looking at your journal page wanting to reflect but feeling stuck. There is no right way to interpret or use these prompts!

23 Holiday Creative Writing Prompts

First, some fun ideas to work on during the month of December.

You can write your very own Christmas story!

Or write down your holiday experiences to share with your family for years to come.

Maybe you'll come up with a new holiday tradition as you look through this set of prompts.

Christmas themed prompts:

  1. It's late Christmas Eve and you hear footsteps on the roof...you go out to investigate but it isn't Santa Claus. Who is there and what happens next?

  2. You are filled with the holiday spirit while you're shopping the weekend after Thanksgiving. What kind of Christmas gifts to you buy, and for whom?

  3. It's time to decorate the Christmas tree. What does it look like? Where is it placed? Are there white lights or multi-colored?

  4. Your character wants to wish "Merry Christmas" to family and friends but suddenly cannot say those two words. How else can they express their wish?

  5. Think back to a specific holiday memory. What makes that memory so important? Why does it stand out?

  6. Imagine what it would be like to live inside a life-size gingerbread house. What would you do? What would happen?

Hanukkah themed prompts:

Next, to celebrate the other important holiday happening this December, the Festival of Lights! Your holiday story starts with you.

  1. Write about your favorite holiday traditions for Hanukkah. For young writers, what will you take with you as you grow up? For grown writers, what do you remember about the first time you participated in each tradition?

  2. Describe how you feel when you sing Hanukkah songs or light the Menorah. Write about a memory that brings these feelings back.

  3. A wonderful way we connect with our loved ones is through food. Write about your favorite foods to eat, cook, and share during Hanukkah.

  4. Are there other elements of Hanukkah that aren't often talked about? What do you wish people who didn't celebrate knew about this holiday?

  5. Write about your earliest memory of Hanukkah. What stands out? How old were you? Who were you with?

New Year's Eve themed prompts:

Now, some prompt ideas for the new year (not everything has to be about goals for this holiday!).

  1. Imagine it is December 31, 1999. When the clock strikes midnight, Y2K occurs. But this time, it's as everyone feared and predicted. What does the world look like now?

  2. The blank page is kind of like the new year: plenty of possibilities. Write about what you would do if you could have a do-over of the last year. Would you change anything?

  3. What is your favorite thing about celebrating New Year's Eve?

  4. New Year's Eve is great but do you have any New Year's Day traditions? What do you to start off the new year?

  5. Rather than goals for the new year, what memories do you want to make this year? How do you hope to feel this time next year?

Winter themed prompts:

If winter holidays aren't inspiring you, try a fun winter writing prompt to get the creative juices flowing. Since winter can last anywhere from November til early March, there is a lot to consider and write about!

  1. Think a little bit about what you love about winter. Is it the weather? Do you love snow? Is it celebrating wonderful holidays with loved ones? Write about the best things about winter.

  2. Your character goes skiing (or snowboarding) for the first time. Do they like it? Do they hate it? Are they afraid of the ski lift? Write a scene of them in the snow.

  3. Sometimes winter feels so cold and isolating. It's easy to forget the cozy, warm things. Write about how you make your space or self feel cozy and warm even in the darkest, coldest days.

  4. What is a creative way you spend the non-holiday winter days? Do you change your routine in the winter months? Do you spend extra time journalling or lighting candles? Write about your winter rituals.

  5. If you're familiar with Groundhog Day (February 2) think about what the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil would say about all of the humans who plan their winter around him. What if he could actually predict if there would be 6 more weeks of winter?!

  6. How do you know winter has arrived? What are the signs you look for?

  7. Describe what winter looks like where you live. Are there palm trees? Are there snowy hills? What about barren trees or landscapes?

Whether you are giving yourself a writing challenge during winter break or just stretching your creative muscles with this collection of holiday writing prompts, I hope you find some joy, peace, and comfort in your writing today.

Marina Crouse

Marina is a writer, reader, and a lover of travel.


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